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Anthropometric Identification

Anthropometric Identification

By its importance, this modality must be carried out with excessive care, given the impossibility to repeat the process with the conditions in which they present/display in space and time, mainly when the burial has been realised. It is clarified that are to include themselves all the procedures and techniques that have been detailed for the photography like fixation means. 4-that is the Anthropometric Identification? The anthropometric identification is the treaty of the proportions and measures of the human body. It is the systematized technique to measure and to realise observations in the human body, skeleton, skull and other organs, using suitable and scientific methods. The amplitude of their observations and measures this limited solely by the nature of the problems which it is applied the rules, consequently, divisions, measures and indices have all moment conventional character. The anthropometry is not, because a science but a simple technique and does not have to be considered like a purpose but like means.This technique is practiced mainly for the identification of people cheers, when photographies of the presumed one exist person in charge of I bid, of some prisoner or lost person or when it is required to compare photographies of a person.

In the anthropometry it demands certain conditions: to-each measurement must correspond to a precise character has to select itself with well-taken care of so that he is able to numerically express and in unequivocal form a dimension that has positive interest. b-las measured must of being comparable with the seizures with other investigators, is precise therefore that a technical uniform exists, with rigorous definition of the points you limit of each measurement, with exact description of the same and identical denomination for each. it cradles good technique supposes good instruments, that is to say, constructed instruments ad hoc. 5-that is the X-ray Identification? The x-rays are part of forensic sciences, positive identifications when comparing can be established x-rays of the skeleton antemortem and postmortem. As it regulates they need two radiografias.utilizando technical ones at least x-ray, specific and scientific can be realised classified positive identifications like. In the scientific method it is a data base that contains the configuration of the skeletal system that will be analizado.este type of studies concentrates in the variations of the frontal sines, mastoides processes and Turkish chair.

and in the specific method they serve to compare characteristics found in the taken x-ray plates to corpses, with another person who has itself to him by missing person. the x-rays also are of much aid to determine if in carbonized rest bones exist and if plates exist antemortem, of this form is possible to identify to the victim. 6- Brief summary on the Spoken Picture? the spoken picture is an artistic discipline by means of which it is elaborated is picture or face of a lost person or whose identity is unknown. they are taken as it bases the fisonmicos data contributed by the witnesses, individuals that knew or had at sight to who describes itself. there are several characteristics expert of the spoken picture that influences in the final result of the drawing, that avoids confusions, directs investigations, it locates geographically, it reconstructs as tool of the anthropology and projects individualized physical characteristics of chronological order of the characteristics of a subject. Original author and source of the article.