Printed Telephone Directory
The telephone directories will be distributed by electronic mail. ה. From the broadband 350,000 homes will benefit. The average speed of connection will be of at least 1 Mbps. The Government has approved in the Cabinet of this Friday a Real Decree that develops the regulation of access to the universal broadband of 1 Mbits/sec (Mbps), principle picked up in article 52 of the Law of Sustainable Economy, informed the Ministry into Industry in an official notice. In addition, the new regulation suppresses the obligation for the operator to give the telephone directories in paper, whenever the subscriber does not ask for the opposite. Now, they will be due to distribute by electronic mail.
The norm regulates all the services of telecommunications that have universal character, that is to say, those that the citizen must right to receive: telephone service, broadband to 1 Mbps, telephone directories, cabins and consultation of numbers. The Ministry of Industry explained that the modification of the regulation will benefit to 350,000 homes that at the moment no they count on broadband cover. The call of the process of licitation of these services, as well as the approval of the sheets of the operators, will begin when the legal text enters Vigo r, a day after their publication in the Government reporter of Estado (BOE). Taking the medicine in right way gives better outcome and improved strength of performance during an intercourse pfizer viagra generic activity. So, never left untreated sex discount price viagra related problems. Overall, the symptoms explained above are not so much different with the effects of tiredness or something, surely, it is better then to ask any diagnose from the doctor, since it can be one of the symptoms of andropause and among untrained professionals that do not work with andropause patients on a daily basis, they can at times, do more harm than good. buy levitra online Therefore, how to increase penile strength is by using the web or picking up the bought here generic viagra 25mg website who provide best Acupuncture Infertility services. Telephone it will not have the monopoly Until now, service offers the universal it Telephone and one finances by all the operators but, after the approval of this regulation, the benefit of this service will become by public contest and the financing in charge of the sector will stay. The operators who will be in charge to provide with the universal broadband service will designate before the end of this year. The Real approved Decree contemplates that the operator who gives the universal service will have to satisfy the requests with connection to the network on the part of the citizens within 60 days, with an average speed of connection of at least 1 Mbps in any period of 24 hours. However, the user will have right to contract connections with a speed inferior to the one of the broadband. The legal text also contemplates possible functional divisions in the operator, whenever the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce communicate, between the benefit of services and the works of management of the network.
Also, it anticipates the possibility that several operators distribute to the obligations of the universal service by elements, that is to say, telephone, telephone cabins, guides and consultations. Public cabins the Real Decree modifies the quotas of telephone cabins by municipality, adapting them to ” decreasing use of this servicio”. Thus, the minimum will be of a public telephone of payment by locality in the municipalities of less than 1,000 inhabitants in whom he is just and of an additional public telephone by each 3,000 inhabitants in the nuclei with more than 1,000 people. The regulation establishes that the universal service in the used buildings will be obligatory as calls to account habitual, even if these are not in urban ground. In addition, the principles are included of communitarian norm on universal broadband, that ” refuerza” the rights of the users with incapacity, according to the Ministry.