Post Caliber
Fire on the British battleships continued to feed the tower of the main fire guns 'Caesar' and 'Dora' (D), as well as tools auxiliary gauge. At 09:13 large-caliber armor-piercing projectiles 'Bismarck' was almost struck by 'King George'. This seemed to happen during the next volley, but at the same moment a shell destroyed the stern English team Post artillery, together with spotter Lieutenant Myullenheymom-Rehbergom. Coarse guns left to fire on their own. At 09:21 on fire on the British 'Bismarck' in the right cannon towers 'Dora' detonated bomb, and she went failure. At 09:27, it would seem, lost towers 'Anton' and 'Bruno' make the last shots in the history of the 'Bismarck'. After 4 minutes of action leaves the tower 'Caesar' – the last tower of the main caliber guns.
The fire was continued guns auxiliary fire, but under fire from British ships, they, one after another, out of order. At this time, the commander of Lindemann ordered to abandon ship. British ships of all cutting the distance from the 'Bismarck', 'Rodney' went to 2500 m. The fire has reached such enormous power that the towers 'Bruno' shot off the rear armor plate, and it caught fire. At 9:56 of the torpedo 'Rodney' flew torpedo and hit the left side 'Bismarck'. At 10:00 am followed by a torpedo attack from the 'Norfolk'.
On board the German battleship in the sea jumping sailors, all the guns were disabled, aviaangar was destroyed, the smokestack was riddled, and the whole deck was . Nevertheless, despite more than an hour unbelievable fire power, 'Bismarck' was not sunk.At 10:16 battleship 'Rodney' was released from the battlefield, and not reaching the goal – the ship is almost finished fuel. The last attack on the 'Bismarck' began at 10:20 am: British heavy cruiser 'Dorsetshire' gives a volley of two torpedo (533 mm), and both hit the German battleship. After this 'Dorsetshire' goes on a turn and attacks the 'Bismarck' from the left side. After the torpedo hit 'Bismarck' began to sink with a roll to the left. Guns on the port side had gone under water, and at 10:39 'Bismarck', turning over the keel up, sank under incessant fire of the British. As you dive to the bottom of the battleship lost main gun turrets, and massive deck superstructure, after which he once again turned over and plunged already decked up. Upon reaching the bottom, 'Bismarck' at high speed crashed into an extinct underwater volcano. From the hull battleship blown off 10 meters aft. After that, the deceased 'Bismarck' bellies fell on the surface of the slope, crawled along the bottom about two miles and stopped forever in the waters of the Atlantic about 600 miles from Brest During the battle with the British fleet on 'Bismarck' was released: 380 406 mm caliber shells from the battleship 'Rodney', 339 356 mm caliber shells from the battleship 'King George', 527 rounds of caliber 203 mm with a heavy cruiser 'Norfolk', 254 rounds of caliber 203 mm with a heavy cruiser "Dorsetshire", 716 152 mm caliber shells from the battleship 'Rodney', 660 rounds of caliber 133 mm from the battleship 'King George '. Despite such unthinkable for one vehicle numbers, while underwater exploration of the remains of 'Bismarck' in 1985, found no damage to the hull, which threatened him drowning. Most likely, May 27, 1941, at approximately 10:36, the German battleship sailors opened Kingston, and 'Bismarck' has left the marine abyss, taking with him the life of Admiral Gunther Lyutensa and nearly two thousand of his officers and men