Choosing Window Cameras
Choosing a plastic window for your home, each of us faces the same question: how to choose quality windows and what you can to save money? Since PVC windows today are quite expensive pleasure, the error in their selection can bring considerable disappointment later. To avoid this, we must first recall a well-known folk wisdom: miser pays twice. But not necessarily buy the most expensive windows – problems with them can be the same as the windows and the average price. But the purchase of windows with an unusually low price (often it is about them, we hear in advertisements) should be abandoned. These windows can be safely put to the country, but in an apartment or a house is better not to risk it: even in relatively well as a profile of 'local' production, these windows are usually equipped with furniture of the cheapest, low-quality rubber seal, weak (sometimes absent) reinforcement, flimsy handle – that is, all cheap and not of the highest quality.
Thus, we stopped at the windows of the middle price range.
But even here, how different are the very large and questions remain no less. The first of these – how many cameras should be in the profile window: three, five or more (not to be confused with the cameras in the glass, which should definitely be a 2-chamber)? That is the answer to this question and This paper is devoted. Theoretically, of course, the more cameras, the box "warmer" because with each additional camera not only increases the internal airspace of the profile, but also increases the thickness of glass – very important characteristic for a plastic window. But, in practice, tangible effect of 5-chamber package in comparison with 3-chamber and does not "cry" are the same. And it happens because of the fact that most of the heat PVC-box is just a pane windows. Of course, the density of the glass is much higher than that of plastic, so it is heated from the cold more.